Saturday, August 6, 2011

Busy day

So today was a busy day! Me and Jacob started the day at Mahony State park then proceed to Shramm State park, then stopped in Louisville at the state Rec area there, and on the way home we stopped at the sarpy county fair.
While at Mahoney State park we caught lots of fish, saw horses and wild turkeys. Then we climbed the tower there and later played on the playground equipment there.
Then we went to Shramm state park and walked around inside the aquarium building. Jacob was running around pointing at all the fish.
Then we drove to Louisville State rec area and did some more fishing and walking around. Then mommy called and said "I am hungry can you come and make me some food?" So we started to head back home. While on the drive back home we stopped at the Sarpy county fair where Jacob got to see lots of farm animals. Jacob got the chance to pet a cow, goat, sheep, and a horse. Then we started to head back home again, and before we got about five minutes away Jacob finally fell asleep.

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