Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Packing for a Travel Nursing Assignment | Travel Nursing Job Notes

I found these stats to be VERY interesting and look good on my career choice.

The average age of an RN in 2011 is 46 years old

In 2012 25% of the RN population will be in their 50s

During a recent 4-year period 444,668 first time RN licenses were granted

During the same period 291,000 RNs allowed their license to lapse (Thats a lot of EX-RNs!)

2010 experienced a 5.7% increase in nursing school enrollment

The same year 67,563 qualified applicants were turned away

Unemployment rate for RNs is lower than 2% (That is like amazing)

Almost 17% of RNs in the United States are not working in nursing (Should we send a search party)

The bureau of labor statistics projects that 581,500 NEW RN positions will be created now through 2018 (“NEW” is the operative word here)

A study indicates that by 2025 the U.S. nursing shortage is projected to grow to 260,000 registered nurses. (“SHORTAGE” is the operative word here)

To see all the statistics follow this link: Packing for a Travel Nursing Assignment | Travel Nursing Job Notes


I am not the original author of these stats listed above all credit goes to the

Monday, January 23, 2012

To move or not to move that tis the question

We have been toying with the idea of moving for a better job for my wife. After a little discernment and after compiling the FBI stats for crime in the area I think we will stay put. I compiled stats for towns in the area that have close to the same population as Springfield, MO. has; which was the town that we would have had to move to.

          We LOVE the scenery down there and all the outdoor activities that are possible, however these benefits don’t out weight the negatives of the crime stats. So we are not moving but staying put. I personally like the schools here more over the options down there.

Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Uniform Crime Reporting data 2011." Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2012.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Test, Test, Project, Paper, Test

I am glad that I have passed at least one of my classes and that, that class ended half way through the quarter. However now I have to get my other classes caught up and doing that is not going to be fun, NOT. In one class I am still managing to pull an A, while in my math class I am pulling a C. I have a big test in math on Saturday and then followed by another big test on Monday. If I do well on both tests I should be able to bring my GPA in math up to an B or A. I still have to put the finishing touches on a project due next Thursday night, and I have to turn in my second draft on my paper by next Wednesday. 
Stress is a thing I know pretty well at this point, but I can manage it if, I keep well organized and use proper time management skills for study/homework. I will breath easier after Monday and even better after Thursday night, hell I might even be able to have a little free time the following weekend. 
It’s 11:40PM so I had better get some sleep for a FULL day of studying on Friday.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update and new additions.

While working on my new career I have embarked on I have come to find out, that it is very hard to find study time for my classes while juggling all my other responsibilities. My wife and I found out in November that we are going to be adding to our family. Then sometime in December we found out that we are going to be having twins. What a shock, so now are family is going from three to five in one year. While all of this is great it makes taking care of my child, and wife while trying to study almost an impossible mission. I hope that I can pass my state exam in order for me to get my CNA license next weekend. If I can I will begin looking for a job again as a CNA this will help out our financial outlook with twins on the way. I still plan on keeping in school and working my way up to the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner goal I have placed in front of me.
God bless 
- William Stearman