Monday, January 23, 2012

To move or not to move that tis the question

We have been toying with the idea of moving for a better job for my wife. After a little discernment and after compiling the FBI stats for crime in the area I think we will stay put. I compiled stats for towns in the area that have close to the same population as Springfield, MO. has; which was the town that we would have had to move to.

          We LOVE the scenery down there and all the outdoor activities that are possible, however these benefits don’t out weight the negatives of the crime stats. So we are not moving but staying put. I personally like the schools here more over the options down there.

Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Uniform Crime Reporting data 2011." Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2012.

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